Trust Center

Our custo­mers’ trust is important to us, and relia­ble handling of someti­mes highly sensi­tive data is one of our core compe­ten­cies. We are distin­gu­is­hed by a combi­na­tion of high diligence and state-of-the-art techni­cal equip­ment. At our company’s own compu­ting centre certi­fied accor­ding to ISO 27001:2013, we keep entire data invent­ories constantly available and secure.


Infor­ma­tion security

Data protec­tion & compliance

Easy storage, quick access and exten­sive search and filte­ring capabi­li­ties to effici­ently archive your data.

At our certi­fied compu­ting centre, we store and manage your data accor­ding to the highest security standards.

We guaran­tee adherence to data protec­tion standards and our company’s own compli­ance guidelines.

Consis­tent design with a lot of freedom 


Our compu­ting centre is divided into two indepen­dent sections where we keep all data invent­ories in mirrored clusters. This redun­dancy ensures constant availa­bi­lity with maximum security against loss, and high-perfor­mance data delivery within milli­se­conds. A diffe­ren­tia­ted autho­riza­tion concept regula­tes access which is also possi­ble in transit, thanks to our Mobile View web app. Exten­sive search and filter functions facili­tate handling. The archive’s size is freely scalable accor­ding to your indivi­dual needs.

Infor­ma­tion security

We possess decades of experi­ence in handling sensi­tive data. We can justi­fia­bly claim to be very earnest about secure storage of your data, and to be commit­ted to the highest security standards. Our company’s own compu­ting centre is certi­fied accor­ding to ISO 27001:2013 and offers revision-proof archi­ving. Through proac­tive risk and crisis manage­ment as well as conti­nuous quality control based on 10 to 15 audits per year, we make sure to consis­t­ently meet our own requi­re­ments and all general legal conditions.

Data protec­tion & compliance

Data protec­tion standards in the scope of European law are among the most strin­gent laws and legal regula­ti­ons in the world. Our spectrum of services helps you meet these requi­re­ments compre­hen­si­vely at all times. All data proces­sing takes place at our compu­ting centre in Germany accor­ding to GDPR. Compli­ance with all infor­ma­tion requi­re­ments and deletion deadlines is ensured. Proces­ses are execu­ted trans­par­ently and consis­t­ently with legal certainty. Compli­ance with all data protec­tion regula­ti­ons is monito­red by a chief privacy officer and a chief infor­ma­tion security officer.
